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I can dig, but I can dig erotic ...

What does a worker look like when subjected to intimate stimulation? It's scary to imagine, but how fun to show. In the set of ironic-erotic fantasies, you will have to demonstrate not so much ... In general, it will be a little erotic and very funny.

Light flirting, you say?

Yes, forfeits in the set are harmless enough. Mostly they require oratory and a little pantomime. That is, you have to show and tell: about yourself, those around you and fictional characters. Keeping with this, in principle, within the bounds of decency. What is it about a little bragging about your love victories? Why not: first you will tell how great you are, and then, quite possibly, you will also prove in practice.

With whom and when to play ironic-erotic forfeits

  • In the company of best friends who have a sense of humor and lack complexes.
  • At a birthday party, especially if an unfamiliar company has gathered. Forfeits will help you to become free and quickly get to know each other. And from a very interesting side.
  • At a corporate party, especially if there is no boss.

Want to get to know each other better?

To play forfeits, it is absolutely not necessary to assemble a large company. An ironic and erotic set is a great solution for a relaxing holiday for two. How about an original date? Girls love not only beautiful, but also charming: a successful pantomime will only add points to you. And the sharpness of the topic will stir up the imagination, allow you to get to know each other better and tune in to the desired, erotic mood.

Fanta Flirt "Ironic-erotic"

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